As headed by BasicNet SpA - the sector parent company headquartered in Turin and publicly quoted in Italy, the Group is a major participant in the sector of branded leisurewear and sportswear, footwear and accessories with a collection of market-leading registered trademarks, including Kappa®, Robe di Kappa®, K-Way®, Superga®, Briko® Jesus® Jeans, Sabelt® e Sebago®

The activity pursued by the Group unfolds into growing the value of its registered trademarks and proliferating branded product market positions through a global network of both independent and proprietary licensees. This business network is defined as the "Network", from which the name BasicNet derives. The Network of licensees encompasses over 130 markets worldwide.

In its operations, BasicNet has always sought to create value for its shareholders and, more generally, all those who have a stake in the Group's business. The main stakeholders include groups directly linked to business activities, such as Group Resources, the Network of licensees, Investors, Shareholders and the Financial Community, the Public Sector, Governmental and Control Bodies and the Local Communities in which the Group operates.

The sustainable success is achieved through BasicNet's Business System, which offers business opportunities to a worldwide network of independent companies that do business with the Group, namely its manufacturing licensees (sourcing centers) and its commercial licensees (licensees). Accordingly, BasicNet is aware that the Group''s economic growth is closely linked to the economic development of its licensees, and that this link represents an initial important factor of sustainability that is inherent to the nature of the Group's business.
The BasicNet Group has developed around a "network" business model, targeting licensees as the ideal partner for the development, distribution and sourcing of its products globally, choosing partners which act not only as a product supplier, but as an integrated supplier of services, i.e. a business development partner.
Innovative, flexible and modular, the Business System of BasicNet has enabled the Group to grow quickly, although maintaining a lean and agile structure: a large enterprise centred around many businesses connected among themselves and with the parent company on a fully integrated IT Network platform designed to maximise information flows through real time sharing.
The Business System was drawn up and structured to develop both internal lines (new licensees and new markets) and external lines (new brands developed or acquired and new business lines).
Licensees, according to region or goods category, distribute products to retailers, carry out local marketing, regional logistics and working capital funding.
The licensees involved in BasicNet brand finished product management (sourcing centres) apply a similar model and distribute to commercial licensees in their respective areas.
As part of the Business System development, the Group has also established a direct customer sale system called plug@sell®, currently developed in Italy, UK, Switzerland, Spain and France. The model comprises a web-based integrated sales management system, with a platform which simply manages all daily activities at the store in real time, from orders to stock management, to accounting and training of staff (pre-opening and ongoing).
As part of the Retail project managed by K-WayRetail Srl, KappaRetail Srl, SupergaRetail Srl, SebagoRetail Srl, K-WayRetail Suisse SA and other companies of the Group operating in Europe, the various brands have been developed around the three principal retail levels, through which the Group sells directly to the public in Europe.
Avviso Obbligatorio12/02/2025 17:15   
BASICNET: Conference call
Avviso Obbligatorio12/02/2025 13:06   
BasicNet – 2024 Preliminary Results: growth of key indicators: consolidated revenues of euro 409.2 million +3.1%, Ebitda of euro 61.1 million +5.1%, Ebit of euro 42.1 million +2.6%
Avviso Obbligatorio12/02/2025 13:06   
BasicNet – Risultati preliminari 2024: crescita dei principali indicatori: fatturato consolidato a 409,2 milioni di euro + 3,1%, Ebitda a 61,1 milioni di euro +5,1%, Ebit a 42,1 milioni di euro +2,6%
Avviso Obbligatorio24/01/2025 17:37   
BasicNet S.p.A. – The European Commission issues antitrust clearance on strategic investment in K-Way from Permira
Download the document (english version)12/02/2025 Financial Information > Annual information
Slide conference call
Download the document (english version)05/11/2024 Corporate governance BasicNet > Voto Maggioritario
List of Key Shareholders included in the special list (pubblished on 11-5-2024)
Download the document (english version)29/10/2024 Financial Information > Annual information
Slide conference call
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